About Us
What is Orchard Ministry Development?

What if…
You could improve your personal cash flow and simplify your giving?
Someone could assist with donating appreciated stocks or mutual funds, leveraging real estate holdings, or donating non-voting interest in a business?
You could reduce taxes and give more to Kingdom work than you ever dreamed possible?
OMD Can Help You!
Orchard Ministry Development exists to help believers develop and implement innovative current giving and estate strategies so they can have the greatest possible impact.
We can help you facilitate your plans as you support the ministries of The Orchard that God has laid on your heart.
Our Vision
We hope to see givers find joy and excellence in their stewardship and generosity. This will also result in long-term, sustainable support for the gospel to continue to go forward here and far.
We have assisted many families and individuals have major lifetime and permanent impact on The Orchard Church and Open the Bible.
Check out our resources page for more information about giving!